Frequently Asked Questions

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What is this?
This is an app to help you measure your typing speed, so you can improve it.
Why code this when there are already millions of apps around that do this?
This is a fun side project for me, and like this I can build the speed testing app exactly how I want it.
How does it work?
You just start typing the words on the screen. At the end, you will see your speed (words per minute), accuracy, and average words per minute.
What is WPS?
WPS means words per second. This is not the actual amount of words you type, but the system assumes an average word length of 5 characters.
What is accuracy?
The accuracy determines how many mistakes you made. A corrected mistake (marked in yellow) only counts as half a mistake.
What is AWPS?
AWPS refers to the average words per second. This is the WPS, but is takes into account your accuract. (If you type 100 words per second, but only 50% of them are correct, your AWPS is 50)
Are you planning to add more features?
As a matter of fact I am. Here a few things I plan to add in the future:
  • Configuration (sound on/off, word count, etc.)
  • Mistake analysis
  • Keep track of your typing sessions (create account) so you can see your progress.
Is this project open source?
Not yet.
Are you aware that the domain looks dirty when typed in all lowercase?
Yes. Unfortunately, I noticed it too late.